TALK and LISTEN C64: TALK (-------- ed09 ora #$40 sets bits for TALK ($44-$5e) ed0b bit $.... skips the next two bytes, skips to $ed0e LISTEN (-------- ed0c ora #$20 sets bits for LISTEN ($24-$3e) ed0e jsr $f0a4 waits until end of RS232 transmission ed11 pha saves commandbyte ed12 bit $94 bit 7 is flag for IECOUT byte in buffer to send 0=no 1=yes ed14 bpl $ed20 b.i. there is no (old) byte to send ed16 sec ed17 ror $a3 sets bit 7 of $a3 = flag for send EOI (end or identify) ed19 *jsr fbfe sends last byte (with EOI) ed1c lsr $94 clears bit 7 of $94 = flag for no byte in buffer to send ed1e lsr $a3 clears bit 7 of $a3 = flag for not EOI ed20 pla restores commandbyte ed21 sta $95 stores commandbyte ed23 sei prevents IRQs ed24 *jsr f0ed ==================== f0ed *lda #$00 f0ef *sta $a3 clears JD IEC status byte f0f1 *jmp $ee97 sets data = inactive ==================== ee97 lda $dd00 ee9a and #$df clears bit 5 = data out ee9c sta $dd00 ee9f rts ==================== ed27 cmp #$3f should compare whether UNLISTEN but CBM error: ed29 bne $ed2e branches allways accu cannot be #$3f ed2b jsr $ee85 never sets clock=inactive because bit 5 is cleared ed2e lda $dd00 ed31 ora #$08 sets bit 3 ed33 sta $dd00 sets ATN = active (-------- ed36 sei prevents IRQs ed37 jsr $ee8e sets clock = active ed3a jsr $ee97 sets data = inaktive ed3d jsr $eeb3 waits 1000 microseconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C64-IECOUT (= 1541-IECIN) (for JD-commandbytes, CBM-commandbytes and CBM-databytes) (not for JD-databytes) ed40 sei prevents IRQs ed41 jsr $ee97 sets data = inactive ed44 jsr $eea9 carry=data in, bit7=clock in (!not inverted) ed47 bcs $edad b.i. data=inactive = device not present ed49 jsr $ee85 sets clock = inactive 41:e9d0 ed4c bit $a3 bit 7 is bit for EOI ed4e bpl $ed5a b.i. no EOI ed50 jsr $eea9 reads bus (= EOI = C64 sends last byte) ed53 bcc $ed50 waits until floppy sets data = inactive 41:e9d2 ed55 jsr $eea9 reads bus ed58 bcs $ed55 waits until floppy sets data = active 41:f683 ed5a jsr $eea9 reads bus noEOI/EOI: ed5d bcc $ed5a waits until floppy sets data =inactive 41:e9d2/f689 ed5f jsr $ee8e sets clock = active 41:e9ea ed62 *txa ed63 *pha saves x register ed64 *ldx #$08 counter for 8 bits per byte loop-----------------------------------------x bit of $95 ed66 *pha 3 8 0 ed67 *pla 4 ?7 cycles delay? 7 1 ed68 *bit $dd00 4 reads bus 6 2 ed6b *bmi $ed72 3 b.i. floppy sets data = inactive 5 3 ed6d *pla (data in = active) 4 4 ed6e *tax restores x 3 5 ed6f *jmp $edb0 time out error 2 6 ------------------- 1 7 ed72 *jsr $ee97 22 sets data = inactive ed75 *ror $95 5 bit of transmitted byte into carry ed77 *bcs $ed7c 2/3 b.i. transmission of a high-bit ed79 *jsr $eea0 22 sets data = active ed7c *jsr $ee85 22 sets clock =inactive 41:e9f5 ed7f *lda $dd00 4 ed82 *and #$df 2 (sets data = inactive) ed84 *ora #$10 2 (sets clock = active) ed86 *php 3 perhaps: saves carry for ror bit into $95 at ed75? ed87 *pha 3 ?delay? ed88 *jsr $f8ea 6 ==================== f8ea *sta $dd00 4 D=I C=A 41:ea09 f8ed *and #$08 2 mascs bit 3 = ATN out f8ef *beq $f910 2/3 b.i. ATN out = inactive (=b.i. (CBM-) data byte) f8f1 *lda $95 3 rotated IECOUT byte f8f3 *ror 2 carry=bit6 of original byte -) bit7 of rotated byte f8f4 *ror 2 (c=b7 -) b7) accu is now the original byte f8f5 *cpx #02 2 counter for bits per byte (2 = bit 6 was transmitted) f8f7 *bne $f910 2/3 b.i. not bit 6 was transmitted f8f9 *ldx #$1e 2 = 31 f8fb *bit $dd00 4 41:f683 f8fe *bpl $f905 2/4 b.i. floppy sets data = active (= signal from JD-floppy) f900 *dex 2 31*(4+2+2+4)=372 f901 *bne $f8fb 2/4 waits 400 uS (+ VIC interrupt) for JD-signal f903 *beq $f90e 3 no signal from a JD-floppy -------------------- f905 *bit $dd00 4 f908 *bpl $f905 2/3 waits until JD-floppy sets data = inactive 41:f689 f90a *ora #$40 2 sets bit 6 = flag for JD-IEC-BUS routines f90c *sta $a3 3 b7=0 (no EOI) b6=1 (JD-IEC) b5=0(TALK)/1(LISTEN) f90e *ldx #$02 2 restores x b4-0=device-number of floppy f910 *rts 6 ==================== ed8b *pla 4 ?delay ed8c *plp 4 perhaps: restores carry for ror at $ed75 ed8d *dex 2 decrements counter for bits per byte ed8e *bne $ed66 2/3 b.i. still bits to transfer loop------------------------------------------------------ ed90 *pla ed91 *tax restores x ed92 lda #$04 ed94 sta $dc07 timer b high 4*256 =1000 ed97 lda #$19 ed99 sta $dc0f starts timer b ed9c lda $dc0d clears (old) IRQ-bit ed9e lda $dc0d loads IRQ flag register eda2 and #$02 mascs timer b bit eda4 bne $edb0 b.i. timer b counted to 0 (=time out error) eda6 jsr $eea9 reads bus eda9 bcs $ed9f b.i. floppy does not set data = active 41:ea0f edab sei allows IRQs (floppy sets D=A within 1000 uS) edac rts carry = low (C64-ClockOut=active) ============================================================================== ============================================================================== 1541-IECIN (= C64-IECOUT) (for JD-commandbytes, CBM-commandbytes and CBM-databytes) (not for JD-databytes) routine when the C64 activates the ATN-line (-)IRQ in Floppy) e85b sei e85c lda #$00 e85e *sta $98 sets default for CBM IEC bus routines e860 .... e87c *jsr $e9c9 IECIN takes command byte ==================== IEC-IN e9c9 lda #$08 e9cb *sta $4b counter for 8 bits per byte e9cd *jsr $ea17 reads bus (no return if change of ATN-line) e9d0 *bne $e9cd waits until C64 sets clock = inactive 64:ed49 e9d2 *jsr $e99c sets data = inactive 64:ed5d/ed53 e9d5 *jsr $ff20 noEOI/EOI ==================== ff20 lda $1800 reads serial bus ff23 and #$01 mascs data-in bit ff25 bne $ff20 waits until C64 sets data = inactive 64:allways ff27 lda #$01 ff29 sta $1805 starts timer a (not used in JD-1541) ff2c *rts ==================== e9d8 *ldx #$90 $90-$7f=$11=#17 17*(33+6+2+2+3)=782 e9da *jsr $ea17 reads bus e9dd *bne $e9ec b.i. clock = active = no EOI 64:ed5f e9df *dex EOI e9e0 *bmi $e9da b.i. counter not at end e9e2 *jsr $f683 =EOI (C64 doesn't set C=A within 782uS) ==================== f683 *jsr $e9a4 sets data = active (x=#$7f) 64:ed58 f686 *dex f687 *bne $f686 f689 *jsr $e99c sets data = inactive 64:ed5d f68c *ldx #$00 f68e *rts ==================== e9e5 *stx $f8 #$00: sets flag for EOI e9e7 *jsr $ea17 reads bus e9ea *beq $e9e7 waits until C64 sets clock = active 64:ed5f loop------------------------------------------------------ e9ec *ldx #$0c #$0c=12 12*(4+3+2+2+2+3)=192uS e9ee *lda $1800 4 serial bus e9f1 *sta $44 3 e9f3 *and #$04 2 mascs clock-in bit 64:ed7c e9f5 *beq $e9ff 2 b.i. C64 sets clock = inactive (=flag for bit is ready) e9f7 *dex 2 e9f8 *bne $e9ee 3 b.i. counter not at end e9fa *jsr $f674 C64 doesn't set clock = inactive within 218uS (26+192) ==================== f674 *lda $85 =bit 6-0 of actual IEC-IN byte f676 *lsr puts bits into correct position f677 *cmp $77 compares with floppy device number for LISTEN f679 *beq $f67f b.i. IEC-IN byte is LISTEN to this floppy f67b *cmp $78 compares with floppy device number for TALK f67d *bne $f68c b.i. IEC-IN byte is not TALK to this floppy f67f *inc $98 #$00-)#$01 = flag for JD IEC bus routines f681 *ldx #$0f f683 *jsr $e9a5 sets data = active 64:f8fe f686 *dex f687 *bne $f686 f689 *jsr $e99c sets data = inactive 64:f908 f68c *ldx #$00 f68e *rts ==================== e9fd *beq $e9ee branches allways -------------------- e9ff *lda $44 ea01 *eor #$01 inverts data bit ea03 *lsr data bit -) carry ea04 *ror $85 carry -) bit 7 of IEC-IN byte ea06 *jsr $ea17 reads bus ea09 *beq $ea06 waits until C64 sets clock = active 64:f8ea ea0b *dec $4b decrements counter for bits per byte ea0d *bne $e9ec b.i. bits to receive loop------------------------------------------------------ ea0f *jsr e9a5 sets data = active 64:eda9 ea12 *ldx #$00 ea14 *lda $85 actual IEC-IN byte ea16 *rts (to e87f) ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Decision whether JD- or CBM-IEC bus routines: JD-C64 & JD-1541 C64 transmits bit 6 by putting it (inverted) into data and inactivates clock (ed7c) 1541 waits until clock = inactive (e975) and takes data bit 6 (inverted) to IECIN-byte. =)IECIN byte contains bit 6-0 (but one bit shifted left) C64 sets 30uS later data=inactive & clock=active (f8ea) 1541 waits until C64 sets clock = active (ea09) (and then waits for transmission of next bit (7). C64 checks whether command- (ATN=A) or data-byte (ATN=I) (f8ef). If data-byte then C64 transmits next bit. C64 checks whether bit 6 has been transmitted (f8f7). If not bit 6 has been transmitted then C64 transmits next bit C64: If command-byte and bit 6 then C64 does not transmit bit 7 at once (=C64 does not inactivate clock) but C64 reads bus for 400uS (f8fb) 1541 waits for transmission of bit 7 but C64 does not set clock = inactive within 218uS (e9f5). =) 1541 compares the IEC-IN command byte with its device number (f677/f67b) If it is not this device then 1541 makes nothing, it waits for transmission of bit 7 (f68c) If it is this device then 1541 puts $98 from equal to not equal (f67f) (=flag for JD IEC bus routines) and sets data = active for 405uS (f683) C64 checks whether 1541 sets data = active within 400 uS (f8fb) If not (CBM floppy) then C64 makes nothing (f90e) If yes (JD floppy) then: (f8fe) 1541 sets data = inactive (f689) C64 If yes (JD floppy) (f8fe) then C64 waits until 1541 sets data = inactive. (f908).Then C64 sets bit 6 of $a3 to high (= flag for JD IEC bus routines) (f90c) 1541 waits for transmission of bit 7 (e9f8) C64 transmits bit 7 (ed7c) JD-C64 & CBM-1541 C64 makes delay after the transmission of bit 6 but 1541 doesn't set data = active CBM-C64 & JD-1541: C64 transmits after bit 6 at once bit 7 (without delay) =) 1541 doesn't make the JD-check-routine The sending of data bytes to a CBM drive (f.e. a serial printer) is with the JD-kernal slower as with the CBM-kernal: Time for 100 bytes IECOUT: CBM-C64 & CBM-drive: 117mS JD-C64 & CBM-drive: 146mS At the C64: The times can be increased by VIC interrupts ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000/01/30 Near Letter Quantity Jochen Adler ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Home