C64-IECIN ( = 1541-IECOUT)
      (for JD-databytes)
                                                   first letter = data out A -
                                                 second letter = clock out  I-

ee13 *jmp $fbaa                                                            AI-
--------------------                                                       AI-
--------------------                                                       AI-
fb97 *pha           saves sprite register to stack                         AI-
fb98 *jsr f0d8                                                             AI-
--------------------                                                       AI-
f0d8 *lda #$00                                                             AI-
f0da *sta $d015     switch off all sprites                                 AI-
f0dd *adc #$01    2                                                        AI-
f0df *bne f0dd    3 (2+3)*250=1250uS delay                                 AI-
f0e1 *rts                                                                  AI-
--------------------                                                       AI-
fb9b *jsr $fbb4     JD-IECIN                                               AI-
fb9e *pla                                                                  AI-
fb9f *sta $d015     restores sprite register                               AI-
fba2 *lda $a4       IECIN byte                                             AI-
fba4 *rts                                                                  AI-
--------------------                                                       AI-
fba5 *lda #$00                                                             AI-
fba7 *jmp $ee16     to CBM-IECIN                                           AI-
--------------------                                                       AI-
fbaa *sei           prevent IRQs                                           AI-
fbad *bit $a3       JD-IEC status byte (and flag for EOI)                  AI-
fbad *bvc $fba5     b.i. bit 6 = 0  =CBM routines                          AI-
fbaf *lda $d015     sprite register      (=JD-IECIN-routines)              AI-
fbb2 *bne $fb97     b.i. not all sprites are off                           AI-
fbb4 *lda $dd00   4 reads bus                          (41:ff8b) lda $dd00 AI-
-                                                                          AI-
-                                                                          AI-
-                                        (1) put 1541 paper arrow here ----AI)
fbb7 *cmp #$40    2 %01000000                                    cmp #$40  AI-
-                                                                          AI-
fbb9 *bcc $fbb4 2/3 waits until 1541 sets clock = inactive       bcc $fbb4 AI-
-                                                                          AI-
fbbb *and #$07    2 mascs bit 0-2 (pin M & VIC-bank)             and #$07  AI-
-                                                                          AI-
fbbd *pha         3 saves pin M & VIC-bank to stack              pha       AI-
-                                                                          AI-
-                                                                          AI-
fbbe *lda $d012   4 VIC rasterbar (carry is set)                 lda $d012 AI-
-                                                                          AI-
-                                                                          AI-
-                                                                          AI-
fbc1 *sbc $d011   4 bit 2-0 = vertical softscroll register       sbc $d011 AI-
-                                                                          AI-
-                                                                          AI-
-                                                                          AI-
fbc4 *and #$07    2 mascs bit 2-0, that 8 rasterbars remain      and #$07  AI-
-                   (data=inactive,clock=inactive,ATN=inactive)            AI-
fbc6 *cmp #$07    2                                              cmp #$07  AI-
-                                                                          AI-
fbc8 *bcs $fbbe 2/3 b.i. too few time until next badline         bcs $fbbe AI-
-                                                                          AI-
+                                                                            +
+                   (7 uS only that timing fits, if                          +
+                    C64 doesn't wait at badline-loop                        +
+                    and 1541 doesn't make waiting-loop                      +
+                    at ffb8 at all)                                         +
+                                                                            +
+                                                                            +
fbca *pla         4 restores pin M and VIC-bank                  pla       AI-
-                                                                          AI-
-                                                                          AI-
-                                                                          AI-
fbcb *sta $dd00   4 data=inactive,clock=inactive,ATN=inactive    sta $dd00 AI-
-                                                      (41:ffb8)           AI-
-                                                                          AI-
-                            (2) put 1541 paper arrow here (late/ealy) ----II)
fbce *sta $a4     3 saves it (to IECIN byte)                     sta $a4   II-
-                                                                          II-
-                                                                          II-
fbd0 *ora #$20    2 (data=active)                                ora #$20  II-
-                                                                          II-
fbd2 *pha         3 saves to stack                               pha       II-
-                                                                          II-
-                                                                          II-
fbd3 *nop         2                                              nop       II-
-                                                                          II-
fbd4 *nop         2                                              nop       II-
-                                                                          II-
fbd5 *ora $dd00   4 reads bus                          (41:ffbd) ora $dd00 II-
-                                                                          II-
-                   1541       C64   1541        C64                       II-
-                   bit1=data-)bit7  bit0=clock-)bit6                  ----II)
fbd8 *lsr         2 bit7-)bit6  bit6-)bit5                       lsr       II-
-                                                                          II-
fbd9 *lsr         2 bit6-)bit5  bit5-)bit4                       lsr       II-
-                                                                          II-
fbda *nop         2                                              nop       II-
-                                                                          II-
fbdb *ora $dd00   4 reads bus                          (41:ffc4) ora $dd00 II-
-                                                                          II-
-                   1541       C64   1541        C64                       II-
-                   bit3=data-)bit7  bit2=clock-)bit6                  ----II)
fbde *lsr         2 bit7-)bit6  bit6-)bit5  5-)4  4-)3           lsr       II-
-                                                                          II-
fbdf *lsr         2 bit6-)bit5  bit5-)bit4  4-)3  4-)2           lsr       II-
-                                                                          II-
fbe0 *eor $a4     3 inverts bit 2-0 pin M & VIC-bank             eor $a4   II-
-                                                                          II-
-                                                                          II-
fbe2 *eor $dd00   4 reads bus                          (41:ffcc) eor $dd00 II-
-                   (bit 2-0 is now double inverted = correct)             II-
-                   1541       C64   1541        C64                       II-
-                   bit5=data-)bit7  bit4=clock-)bit6                  ----II)
fbe5 *lsr         2 bit7-)bit6  6-)5  5-)4  4-)3  3-)2 2-)1      lsr       II-
-                                                                          II-
fbe6 *lsr         2 bit6-)bit5  5-)4  4-)3  4-)2  2-)1 1-)0      lsr       II-
-                                                                          II-
fbe7 *eor $a4     3 inverts bit 2-0 pin M & VIC-bank             eor $a4   II-
-                                                                          II-
-                                                                          II-
fbe9 *eor $dd00   4 reads bus                          (41:ffd3) eor $dd00 II-
-                   (bit 2-0 is now double inverted = correct)             II-
-                   1541       C64   1541        C64                       II-
-                   bit5=data-)bit7  bit4=clock-)bit6                  ----II)
fbec *sta $a4     3 stores IECIN byte                            sta $a4   II-
-                                                                          II-
-                                                                          II-
fbee *pla         4 (restores D=A, pin M, VIC-bank)              pla       II-
-                                                                          II-
-                                                                          II-
-                                                                          II-
fbef *bit $dd00   4 data-)plus/minus-, clock-)overflow-flag      bit dd00  II-
-                                                      (41:ffdb)           II-
-                                                                          II-
-                                                                          II-
fbf2 *sta $dd00   4 sets data = active                 (41:ffde) sta $dd00 II-
-                                                                          II-
-                                                                          II-
-                                                                      ----AI)
fbf5 *bvc $fc22     b.i.bit6=low=b.i.1541 sets clock=active(=ok) bvc $fc22 AI-
fbf7 *bpl $fc1d     b.i.bit7=low=b.i.1541 sets data=active(=EOI) bpl $fc1d AI-
fbf9 *lda #$42      bit6=end- bit1=error-at-read-bit in $90 (=1541 makes   AI-
fbfb *jmp $edb2     sets error bits in $90            all lines =inactive) AI-
--------------------                                                       AI-
fc1d *lda #$40      bit6=end = EOI                                         AI-
fc1f *jsr $fe1c     sets end-bit in $90                                    AI-
fc22 *lda $a4       IECIN byte                                             AI-
fc23 *cli           allows IRQs                                            AI-
fc24 *clc           sets flag for no error                                 AI-
fc25 *rts           end of IECIN                                           AI-


      1541-IECOUT ( = C64-IECIN)
      (for JD-databytes)
-I  first letter=data-out
- A second letter=clock-out
-IA e909
-IA ....
-IA e90f *lda $98       JD IEC status byte
-IA e911 *beq $e918     b.i.CBM routines
-IA e913 *ldx #$46
-IA e915 *jmp $fb0f     JD-IECOUT routines
-IA --------------------
-IA e918  ...           CBM-IECOUT routines
-IA --------------------
-IA --------------------
-IA faee *rts
-IA --------------------
-IA fb0f *jsr $fef6     360uS delay?
-IA fb12 *asl           JD-IEC status byte: bit6-)bit7
-IA fb13 *bpl $fb18     b.i.bit6 of JD-status = low (=no LOAD)
-IA fb15 *jmp $ff2d     to JD-LOAD
-IA --------------------
-IA fb18                several test?
-IA ....
-IA fb2c                takes next byte in JD-IECOUT-loop
-IA ....
-IA fb58                (at the end after EOI?)
-IA ....
-IA fb5a *lda $1800     reads bus
-IA fb5d *bmi $fbd0     b.i. C64 sets ATN=active
-IA fb5f *and #$6d      %01101101 (data=I, (clock stays A), ATNack=I)
-IA fb61 *sta $44
-IA fb63 *and #$61      %01100001 (data=I, clock=I, ATNack=I)
-IA fb65 *sta $7a                                              $7a = %0xx00001
-IA fb67 *lda $f2,x     status of actual channel                if C64=present
-IA fb69 *bpl $faee     b.i.status is not talk or after EOI    $7a = %0xx00000
-IA fb6b *and #$08      mascs bit 3   = EOI-bit               if C64=not prsnt
-IA fb6d *jsr $ff79
-IA --------------------
-IA ff76 *jmp $e85b     routine after ATN from C64 comes
-IA --------------------
-IA ff79 *bne $ff81     b.i. no EOI  (->e935)
-IA ff7b *lda $7a       =EOI                                   if C64=present:
-IA ff7d *ora #$03      (data=active)                    noEOI:$44 = %0xx01101
-IA ff7d *sta $44       (D=A (EOI), D=I (noEOI))          EOI: $44 = %0xx00011
-IA ff81 *lda $023e,x   acttual byte of channel x          if C64=not present:
-IA ff84 *ldx $7a                                        noEOI:$44 = %0xx01100
-IA ff86 *ldy #$ff      flag for transfer only one byte   EOI: $44 = %0xx00011
-IA ff88 *stx $1800   4 sets clock = inactive                    (64:fbb4)
-IA                       =flag to C64 that 1541 is ready to
-IA                                          send nexte byte
(II---- (1) put C64 paper arrow here
-II ff8b *bne ffa5    3 branches allways
-II --------------------
-II ffa5 *tax         2  IECOUT byte
-II ffa6 *lsr         2
-II ffa7 *lsr         2
-II ffa8 *lsr         2
-II ffa9 *lsr         2 highnibble-)lownibble
-II ffaa *sta $4b     3 stores highnibble
-II ffac *txa         2 IECOUT byte
-II ffad *and #$0f    2 mascs lownibble
-II ffaf *tax         2
-II ffb0 *lda $ea1d,x 4 nibble table (inverted, because C64 inputs are not
-II                     loads low nibble                             inverted)
-II ffb3 *ldx $7a     3       0xx00001      0xx00000
-II                         C64=present  C64=not present
-II ffb5 *stx $1800   4 no function at IECOUT (only at LOAD)
-II ffb8 *cpx $1800   4                                          (64:fbcb)
(II---- (2) put C64 paper arrow here (late)                                0us
-II ffbb *beq $ffb8   3 waits until -C64 sets data = inactive
-II                              or -C64 sets ATN = active
-II ffb8 *cpx $1800   4                                          (64:fbcb)
(II---- (2) put C64 paper arrow here (early)                            0us
-II ffbb *beq $ffb8   2 waits until C64 sets data = inactive
-II ffbd *sta $1800   4 bit1 -) data  bit0 -) clock              (64:fbd5)
(10----                                                                06-13us
-10 ffc0 *asl         2                                                06-0d
-10 ffc1 *and #$0f    2 clears bit 4 (ATNack=inactive)
-10 ffc3 *nop         2
-10 ffc4 *sta $1800   4 bit3 -) data  bit2 -) clock              (64:fbdb)
(32----                                                                16-23us
-32 ffc7 *ldx $4b     3 highnibble                                     10-17
-32 ffc9 *lda $ea1d,x 4 nibble table
-32 ffcc *sta $1800   4 bit5 -) data  bit4 -) clock              (64:fbe2)
(54----                                                                27-34us
-54 ffcf *asl         2                                                1b-22
-54 ffd0 *and #$0f    2 clears bit 4 (ATNack=inactive)
-54 ffd2 *iny         2 #$ff-)#$00
-54 ffd3 *sta $1800   4 bit7 -) data  bit6 -) clock              (64:fbe9)
(76----                                                                37-44us
-76 ffd6 *bne $ffa3 2/3 never branches at IECOUT (only for LOAD)       25-2c
-76 ffd8 *nop         2
-76                      if C64=present:
-76 ffd9 *lda $44     3 noEOI: data=inactive,clock=active %0xx01101
-76                      EOI:  data=active,clock=inactive %0xx00011
-76 ffdb *sta $1800   4 noEOI: sets D=I, C=A                     (64:fbef)
-76                     (EOI: D=A, C=I)
-76                                                                    48-55us
(IA----                                                                30-37
-IA ffde *cmp $1800   4                                          (64:fbf2)
-IA                     noEOI: waits until C64 sets data = active
-IA                     EOI: doesn't wait because C64-clock = inactive
-IA ffe1 *bcc $ff76 2/3 b.i.C64 sets ATN = active
-IA ffe3 *bne $ffde 2/3
-IA ffe5 *rts         6
-IA -------------------
-IA fb70 *and #$02    2 mascs data-out bit
-IA fb72 *beq $fb2c 2/3 b.i. no EOI -) (loads from disk) & transfers next byte
-IA/AI                 (noEOI: D=I, C=A)   C64=present / C64=not prsnt
-AI fb74 *lda $7a      (=EOI:  D=A, C=I)  7a=%0xx00001 / %0xx00000
    fb76 *ora #$0d     %0xx01101 (data=inactive, clock=active)
                       at EOI from ffdb to fb78 1541 makes data = active and
                       clock = inactive for 33us (or 42us if bus isn't
                       constant within 4us from ffdb to ffde)  
    fb78 *jsr $ffdb    then 1541 makes data = inactive and clock = active
                       (=>C64 badline must come later than fb78???) 
    ff76 *jmp $e85b    service routine for bus after C64 sets ATN=active
    ffdb *sta $1800    data=inactive clock=active
    ffde *cmp $1800    compares with bus
    ffe1 *bcc $ff76    b.i. C64 sets ATN = active
    ffe3 *bne $ffde    doesn't wait because C64 sets data=active
    ffe5 *rts
    fb7b *cli
    fb7c *jsr $d3aa    takes next data byte (after EOI: stores #$00-)$f2,x)
    fb7f *sei
    fb80 *jmp $fb58    transfers next byte (after EOI: $f2,x=#$00
 DC                                         =) branches at fb69 to 'rts')

ea1d    0f 07 0d 05 0b 03 09 01 0e 06 0c 04 0a 02 08 00
Put the right margin of the C64-paper-sheet to the left margin of the 1541-
paper-sheet, it fits and shows the timing.

You can move the sheets seven lines up and down, depending on the 7uS

Each line is 1uS.

In a line with a '-' there is no action at the bus.
In a line with a '(' or a ')' the C64 or the 1541 sets lines of the bus or
reads the bus.

The 1541 waiting loop at fbbb (for C64 is ready) is 7uS long. =) The tolerance
must be greater than 7uS (it is minimum 10uS).

(1) The C64 doesn't branch in the badline-loop at fbc8:
The C64 is from fbb4 to fbcb faster (31uS) than the 1541 from ff8b to ffb8
(37uS). So the 1541 doesn't branch at all at ffbb. For the timing at the paper
there are the 7 empty lines at the C64 to compensate the (not existing) 7uS
1541 branching loop at ffbb. Put the arrows (1) together:
C64-paper-sheet (1)   ----XY)    (XY---- (1) 1541-paper-sheet.

(2) The C64 branches in the badline-loop at fbc8:

Put the C64-arrow at fbcb to one of the two 1541-arrows (late/early) at ffb8.

Late: When the 1541 reads the bus, the data line is still set to active by
the C64. The C64 sets the data line to inactive an extremely short time later
(f.e. 0.1uS), so the 1541 must wait one complete loop (7uS). So the 1541
leaves the loop 7uS later than the C64 inactivates data.

Early: The 1541 reads the bus exactly in the moment when the C64 sets the
data line to inactive. So the 1541 doesn't wait but continues at once. So the
1541 leaves the loop 0uS later than the C64 inactivates data.

If I made no error, then the timing is very short. The 1541 sets a bit for
only 10uS. The timing at the paper shows that the C64 reads bit 1 and 0 when
the 1541 allready sets bit 3 and 2 (same with bits 5,4 and 7,6).
Possible solution: The C64 starts the transmission by setting data = inactive.
If the electric delay from the C64 microprocessor over the CIA, over the
output-inverter-chip, over the wire, over the input-inverter-chip and over the
VIA to the 1541 microprcessor is only 0.5uS (in each direction), then the
timing is ok. The 1541 receives the start-signal from the C64 0.5uS later than
the C64 sends it and the C64 receives the sended IEC-data-bits 0.5uS later
than the 1541 sends them.

There are 48 cycles from fbcb to fbe9. A PAL-C64 needs 48/0.9852=48.72us.
While 48 cycles the PAL-C64 is 0.72us slower than the 1541. At a C128D and
the internal 1571 there are exactly the same routines. Here the serial cable
from C128 to internal 1571 is very short. So the delay of the signals is very
short, too. The C128 should read at fbe9 bit 7&6. But the PAL-C128 is as slow
that it doesn't read bit 7&6 but that it reads the buslevels which the 1571
had made for EOI (or noEOI at the last byte). So there are sometimes wrong
bytes at the PAL-C128 and internal 1571 when you f.e. display the directory.
When many additional devices are connected to the serial bus, then the
capacity of the serial bus is as much increased that there is no more
(Because the NTSC-C128 is faster, there is no problem there at all)
Possible error: If bit 2 of $dd00 (pin M of the Userport) is an input and this
input changes during the IECIN then bit 2 and 0 of the IECIN byte could be

C64-time from load-VIC-rasterbar-register to last-action-at-bus: 81uS

Near Letter Quantity
Jochen Adler